I have officially reached the final days of this pregnancy. By the end of the month, I will have a newborn in my arms! I am so thankful to say that this pregnancy has been a breeze physically, but I have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the last nine months.
This week my thoughts and emotions stemmed from a deep place. This was a familiar feeling to what I experienced a year and a half ago, just before the birth of our daughter. I was experiencing a longing for my mother who died in a car accident 14 years ago. Oh, how I wish she could be here to meet her grandbabies and rejoice with me during this exciting time. If only I could call her to be reminded that even on the hardest days, she is there for me.

As I was in the thick of grieving, the church celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. It is a special day to recognize our Blessed Mother and honor her place in heaven as our maternal guide. As my family and I attended mass, I was greeted with a beautiful sense of comfort. Both my physical mother, Shirley, and my spiritual mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, are together in heaven and interceding on my behalf. How beautiful!
My mother always had a deep devotion to our Blessed Mother. I have spent the last few days reflecting upon the parallels between Mary and my mother and the similarities in which they encompassed the feminine genius.
Both women gave up all sense of control when they gave their maternal fiat. They openly received the life and love that God had in store for them. Mary gave a complete yes to being the mother of our Lord at the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38) without fearing the hardships that would accompany her. Likewise, my mother embraced Mary’s words, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” with each pregnancy. She was unconditionally open to life regardless of the life-threatening circumstances she endured during some of her pregnancies. She had absolute trust in God’s plan.

Mary showcased a sensitive and generous heart when she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth during the Visitation (Luke 1:39-56). She was probably experiencing the same aches and pains of pregnancy, yet she died to her preferences to care for her older cousin. And again, at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1-12), Mary generously sent her son into His public mission out of love for a couple who was out of wine. She knew this decision would lead to suffering in her life, yet her sensitivity to the situation outweighed her pierced heart.
I have countless memories of my mother generously giving to those around her, especially to her children. It was common for her to give away extra bread that she had baked or fresh produce from the garden. She was not selfish with her time and was often conversing on the phone or offering advice to a friend after mass. She loved deeply and was sensitive to those around her. Like Mary, her mission was to lead others closer to Jesus so they may experience His merciful love. Oh, how loved I feel by these two beautiful women interceding for me in heaven.
Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of mothers. May I follow the example of my two mamas in heaven and draw my children closer to Your heart.
Until next time, your sister in Christ,