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The Trinity through Testimony

Abby Thomas

For the last few months I have been wrestling with my relationship with all three persons of the Trinity. I felt a closeness to the Holy Spirit, but understanding my relationship with God the Father felt impossible and even though I truly believed it was Him, no matter how many times I begged, I just could not feel Jesus in the Eucharist. I really desired for a deeper relationship with all three persons of the Trinity after diving into an Engaging the Holy Spirit bible study, ‘Walking on Water.’

My Walking on Water small group is currently working through the second profound truth titled “God will Define your Relationship’. God did exactly that at an Encounter Ministries conference a few weeks ago. Encounter is a ministry where they train and disciple Catholics to demonstrate the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit in their sphere of influence.

The first night of the conference, we were given the opportunity to get prayed over by prayer teams. During this time of prayer I felt a renewal of being baptized in the Holy Spirit and could sense his true presence in the room. As I was receiving prayer from an older couple, the husband received a word of prophecy, which is a word given from the Holy Spirit. He saw a cloudy sky that was starting to part. As the clouds were breaking the sun was shining through. The moment this sweet gentleman shared this image, I began crying. For the first time, I could feel God the Father looking at me. My heart was filled with affirmation because I could hear Him say, “I see you.” I felt so noticed and felt so seen by my heavenly Father.

As the week went on I was gifted with opportunities to be prayed over a few more times. Each time there was affirmation that God the Father was with me and that He loved me and saw me. It was a life changing experience. I now fully understand my identity as a daughter of God!

The last morning of the Encounter conference there was a healing service. We welcomed the Holy Spirit to anoint the afflicted with physical ailments and He healed them right then and there!!! It was amazing and truly beautiful! We saw neck pain released, unbendable knees bend. We saw people who lost their taste and smell long term from COVID be able to taste mint gum! I could go on and on and on sharing about how the power of the Holy Spirit is real! I was really hoping that during the healing service I would be gifted with healing from vocal nodules that have been straining my singing voice the last few months. Sure enough, one of the prophetic healings was a voice box. I believed wholeheartedly that it was me! But I didn't really feel instant healing and it is really hard to test it out by singing in a room full of cheering and joyous people. Instead of allowing myself to be discouraged I continued to pray about it and rest in the power of faith.

Later that afternoon we went to mass. Right before communion I prayed to Jesus and said, “Jesus, if you heal my voice I will give it completely to you. Please allow me to experience your full presence in the Eucharist today.’ That exact moment I felt a pull to receive the Eucharist on my tounge. My heart was telling me that I needed to approach the Lord reverently and let go of the fear of what people would think if I received Him on my tongue. While walking forward in the communion line my heart started pounding.

The closer I got to the communion minister the harder my heart was pounding. I kept thinking “this is really Him. I can feel that this is really Jesus.’ I received boldly on my tongue and on my way back to the pew I kept thanking Jesus for allowing me to fully experience his true presence. The pounding in my heart slowly moved up my neck and moved to where I assumed the voice box was. It is hard to say if my voice is completely healed, but I was able to sing at mass the following weekend without my voice cracking and giving out on me. Praise Jesus!

This is one small testimony about how the Lord brought clarification to my spiritual life. I have found so much freedom to live out my catholic faith with a new boldness and have embraced many opportunities to share this testimony over the last few weeks! Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. I pray that the the Holy Spirit will define your relationship with the Trinity and will help you write your own testimony to share with the people around you!

Until next time~Your sister in Christ,



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