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"One Obtains from God all that One Hopes from Him!”

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

Father Mike Schmitz wrote “Those who hope are willing to act. Those without hope are content to wish. If you desire to be a person of hope, a person who has the will that what is good might be reality, you must be a person of two things: meaning and action.”

I can testify to the accuracy of this quote. For the past couple of years, I have taught in a few different public school districts. I loved the opportunities that each school presented for me and the people I worked with were amazing. It was beautiful to witness how empowered my students felt to sing or create music using their skills/talents. It was obvious that I was living out my charism of teaching but my heart was still restless.

I used this unease as an opportunity to discern the next step in my music career. I knew I wanted to continue working in education but was unsure of what that would look like. All I could do was pray, trust, and hope in the Lord.

When I found out my contract would not be renewed at the end of last year, I knew Jesus was closing the public school door for me. I spent months revamping my resume and filling out applications. I fell into a habit of job hunting every spare second and prayed each morning that the perfect employment opportunity would arise. One afternoon, I found a part time position at a local Catholic school and took a huge financial risk by sending in my resume. I prayed “God, please make it obvious if this is the teaching position for me. If you want me to teach at a Catholic school, let this be the first job offered to me.” Within a few short hours I was called for an interview and by the grace of God it turned into a full time position.

I have been teaching at two Catholic schools for the last month and have never felt this much peace during the first few weeks of school. The first day of school used to be greeted with feelings of anxiety and stress in years past. This year, I was blessed with joy! I placed my trust in the Lord by following his guidance. In doing so, I feel content and peaceful in my music classroom. Teaching gives my life meaning and I hoped for a job that was more than just teaching music, I hoped for a job that was lead by the Holy Spirit.

St. John of the Cross said “One obtains from God all that one hopes from him!” For over a year, I had been praying for a way to use my music charism beyond the classroom. Recently, the Holy Spirit has been presenting opportunities to do just that. Cantoring at mass, directing the church choir, leading worship nights, and incorporating the Catholic faith in my classroom have been ways for the Holy Spirit to work through me. Each opportunity that the Holy Spirit offered has been greater than I was anticipating! And as each opportunity presents itself, I have learned that if it is meant to be, it will fit perfectly into my life and be accompanied with overwhelming peace and joy!

Fr. Jacques Philippe summarizes what I have experienced so well in this quote, “Growing in hope means opening ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit so we can learn to desire what God desires for us, to hope for what God hopes for with regard to us, which is always greater than we can imagine.”

Sisters, if there is something that you desire, bring it to God. Chances are he is desiring that exact thing for your life already. He will make it happen in a way that goes above and beyond your expectations. All you need to do is show up in prayer and trust in His goodness. Because when you trust, all of your hope is channeled directly to Him and He will show you how to take action. He will close doors and open new ones. I pray that you have the confidence and trust to confront every single desire in your heart, great or small!

Until next time~Your sister in Christ,


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