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Never Tomorrow

Leah Brix

“Why is it never tomorrow?” My frustrated 4-year-old asked me. I got tongue-tied as I tried to respond.

“Tomorrow is just always the next day!” I told her.

“When I wake up it isn’t tomorrow!” She argued.

“But tomorrow is always the next morning. But then it isn’t called tomorrow anymore. There is a new tomorrow.”

“But why is it never tomorrow?!” She hollered at me.

“I don’t know, Jacinta! It just isn’t!”

Catholic goal setting
Sassy 4-year-old

She was very upset with me and stormed away. What a difficult concept! Tomorrow is always mysteriously in the future. They don’t equip us parents for stuff like this! I’m sure you, my dear reader, would have had a brilliant response, but the spoken word does not come easy to me, and I totally bombed it.

But her question is quite haunting, isn’t it? That means that we only have today, I guess. That also means that we have to make it awesome.

I have spent the last decade researching time management. Am I good at it? Sometimes. And sometimes, I am embarrassingly bad and throw all the skills and tools I have learned out the window.

I will be the first to admit that having 7 kids in 12 years has certainly had a role in my rollercoaster time management abilities, as hormones, newborns, and other unique demands work against even the most perfect plan. Like all things, I give myself grace and do the best I can in the season that I am in.

I firmly believe that we should be great stewards of our time. The parable of the talents always comes to mind when thinking about this in Matthew 25:14-30. While Jesus was referring to money in this parable, the same can be true of our time. Are we using our time to invest in ourselves so that we can blossom into the people that St. Catharine of Sienna prophesied would set the world on fire?

Catholic time management
Using our time wisely helps us find balance

We need to take time to nurture our souls, bodies, and our minds. So prioritizing prayer time, working out, and learning through either books or podcasts are so essential to being a top-notch soldier for Christ. From this solid foundation, we are filled so that we can joyfully minister to those in our lives.

I am excited to partner with IamHis365 to introduce you to their Ultimate Traditional Catholic Planning Journal! As Catholics, our faith is integrated into every moment of our lives, and this digital planner makes it a piece of cake!

There are 170 clickable pages within the planner including-

· Monthly / Weekly / Daily Planning Pages - with links to prayers and trackers for every day, month and season!

· Every non-moveable feast day in the 1962 liturgical calendar - organized by month for easy reference.

· Monthly Prayers - according to the Church's dedication for the month

· 45 Novenas for almost every week of the year - with prayer trackers to easily stay focused

· Daily Prayers - Morning, Noon, Evening, Rosary

· Daily Prayers - according to the Church's dedication for the day

· 3 Types of Journal Pages - easy to duplicate over and over

· Guided prayer journal - for quick daily thoughts

· Lined prayer journal - for important intentions

· Gratitude journal - for establishing a habit of thankfulness

· Scripture Reading Guide - for every liturgical season (Advent, Christmastide, Epiphanytide, Lent, Paschaltide, Time after Pentecost)

· Based on the Rule of St Benedict & taken from the Matins of the Divine Office

· A guide for reading the whole bible throughout the liturgical year

· With links to the Douay Rheims Bible online

· Habit Trackers - to stay on task spiritually

· Weekly habit tracker - an open-ended tool to fill in and keep track of healthy habits

· Spiritual Growth Tracker - easy to follow plan for daily spiritual growth based on the 5 Rules according to St. Padre Pio

· 54 Day Rosary Novena Tracker - keep track of each day and your intentions for this powerful novena

· Home & Family Organizing Pages - to keep your house and home running smoothly

· Cleaning & Chore Checklists

o Meal Planning

o Recipe Cards

o To do lists

· Password trackers

· Important dates

· Extra Blank, Lined & Dot-Grid pages for extra doodling, notes or anything your heart desires.

· Online links to Catholic Resources including:

o The Douay Rheims Bible

o Summa Theological

o Papal Encyclicals

o The Penny Catechism

o Examination of Conscience

o Daily Ordo - of the Traditional Latin Mass for every day of the year

· Colorful digital sticker page - to enhance your planning journal

You can check it out here!

“Why is it never tomorrow?” Well, tomorrow is an unattainable destination. And that’s ok! All we have is today, so let’s use our time wisely to bring God the greatest glory.

Until next time, my dear friends in Christ,



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